Wednesday, July 14, 2010

You made us proud. You are the real heroes. Viva Espana..!

We were waiting for this golden moment for years. We were waiting for some real heroes who can make us proud. We will not forget the day July 11th 2010. Thats the day when you made all the Spaniards feel that we are different and we are on top of the World. The World-cup is ours now. We will cherish these memories till our last breath.

We new that you, the young turks can do it. You made each sand of this great country proud. We knew that you can do it. We wrote the name of Spanish football in the history of World football... in golden letters. Now its time to celebrate. We bow to you. We bow to your dedication and determination. We love you. We salute you. Viva Espana..!

See what our King Juan Carlos told about our great warriors in the reception at his palace in Madrid.. : "Thank you champions, in the name of all of Spain and all Spaniards. This is a well deserved victory for an exceptional team. You made our dreams a reality and projected the name of Spain around the world."

Spain champions Eujro 2012 World Cup 2010
Yes. You have helped us to hold our heads straight. Thank you so much to each of you. We respect you... We salute you..!

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