Saturday, July 10, 2010

My dream will come true tonight...! Viva Espana.. The FIFA WC 2010 Champions...!

Hey fans of the great Team ESPANA....! I know today is the day for which we have been waiting for years. I am with you all the Spaniards and all other fans of the great Spanish football all over the world. Lets hope for the best. Lets hope that our dream will come true today. Lets hope that we can take the prestigious FIFA World Cup trophy to our home land. Lets hope that we can show it to our mothers, sisters, fathers, grand mothers, grand fathers, our brothers... who have been waiting for such a golden moment. I know our greatest warriors will do that for us. They are the real fighters. Thats how we trained them. They have it in them. Hey young warriors... go get that. Make us feel proud...!

The coming Monday morning, the world will bow to you.., the new world champions of the most beautiful game. Yes... The great Team ESPANA...! And the world will bow to the coveted Golden Boot winner (who it will be..? Villa? I guess so :) )

I don't know who will be actual architects of victory...
I don't know who will be the real play maker for us...
I don't know who will chose to rise over fan winning step overs, smart touches, flicks and display best Tiki- Taka moves to make a real difference with a match winning performance....

But I know one thing.... When the English referee blows the 'long whistle', we.. the great Team Espana will be triumphant...! Viva Espana...!

Let us wish best luck for our team. 3 cheers to you.
Hip Hip Hurray.... Hip Hip Hurray.... Hip Hip Hurray....!

Go Spain.. Go...! We are with you.

- Cool Spaniard

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